Alopecia/Hair Loss

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What is alopecia?

Millions of men and women suffer from alopecia (also known as hair loss), in some form or another. When it comes to hair loss, you might think of thinning hair, shedding, poor growth, bald spots or hair breakage. Common symptoms of alopecia include seeing more scalp through your hair, having a smaller ponytail than you used to have, having to style your hair in certain ways to look thicker, etc.

It’s important to have your alopecia evaluated by a board-certified dermatologist to see if there are pathologic reasons behind it. Itching, burning, tenderness, and redness can be signs of abnormalities that need to be addressed. Hair loss in association with other systemic symptoms like fatigue, body aches, rashes, etc. should also prompt you to see a dermatologist.

At Steele Dermatology, we take hair loss seriously and act quickly to make sure we can retain and restore as much of your hair as possible. To learn more about the alopecia treatment options available to you, schedule an appointment with Steele Dermatology online, or give us a call at (770) 464-6000.

What causes alopecia?

There are many types of alopecia – some are common and rather normal while others may cause concern and require immediate attention.

  • We all go through normal hair growth and shedding cycles during our lives. For example, your hair will thin to some degree as a normal part of the aging process. Women will have thicker, longer hair during pregnancy that will shed afterward. Your hair may also shed during or after physical or emotional stress.
  • In addition, there are skin diseases of the scalp that can cause hair loss as well as diseases affecting the entire body (including the scalp) that also cause it.

Where do you get alopecia?

Alopecia is the most commonly found and noticeable on the scalp, however you can experience hair loss in any area of the body where you normally have hair.

Like on the scalp, it’s normal for body hair to thin with age. Certain primary skin conditions that cause alopecia, like alopecia areata, can affect the eyebrows, beard, eyelashes, or any other area of the body.

How do we treat alopecia?

At Steele Dermatology, we often use a combination of treatments for hair loss since it is usually caused by a combination of factors. It is important to address hair loss from every angle of the disorder.


Topical Treatments

Include things that we put on the scalp itself. If there is any degree of inflammation or irritation on the scalp, then we prescribe a topical (and sometimes oral) medicine to first put a stop to the inflammation. Otherwise, we will likely prescribe a solution that stimulates hair growth. Ingredients tend to include products that stimulate blood flow, block hormonal influences on the hair follicle, and bring nutrients to the hair follicle.

Rx Meds

Oral Treatments (Pills)

Include vitamins that stimulate hair growth, medicines that block the effect that hormones have on hair loss, and sometimes anti-inflammatory medicines for inflammatory diseases of the scalp. Depending on the type of hair loss you have, we will prescribe the appropriate pills to slow your hair loss and stimulate growth.


Procedures fall into 2 categories: PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatments and Hair Transplant. At Steele Dermatology, we were the first to do PRP treatments in the Atlanta area. Dr. Steele Johnson worked with Dr. Bauman in Florida to learn the procedure over 5 years ago and has been successful with it ever since. It is an ideal treatment for male and female patients with thinning hair. The procedure actually grows new hair (instead of simply maintaining the hair that you have) and makes hair thicker. With our treatment protocol, you will receive a series of treatments (typically 3-4) to start and then maintenance treatments will follow (anywhere from 6 months – 2 years depending on your hair).

In addition to PRP, we often recommend Keravive Scalp Treatment to patients to cleanse, nourish, and stimulate hair growth. This treatment approaches hair loss from a different angle and is a perfect complement to PRP treatments.

We do not perform hair transplant at Steele Dermatology, but if you are interested or it is required, we will refer you to a hair transplant surgeon.

Recommended products

Schedule an Appointment

With offices conveniently located in Atlanta and Alpharetta, Steele Dermatology offers expert alopecia treatments and hair care regimens for our patients. To learn which treatment may be right for you, schedule an appointment or give us a call at (770) 464-6000.

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