Lip Enhancements

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lip enhancements

About lip enhancements

When it comes to lip enhancements, it’s most important to decide what it is we want to achieve with the lips and build a treatment plan from our end goal. You may want dramatic lip augmentation with lots of volume, just a subtle more hydrated look, to create a bit more of a pucker or lip show, or just smooth out or eliminate lip lines. Depending on your goal, we will decide if a laser, injectable toxin, or injectable filler or some combination of these would be the best treatments.

If you are interested in learning more about the different types of lip enhancement procedures we offer, schedule an appointment or give us a call at (770) 464-6000.

Perfect For: Aging Lips, Lip Lines, or Naturally Small Lips 

Procedure Time: 30-45 min

Recovery Type & Time: Potential bruising, swelling x 3-5 days; makeup ok

Results: 9-12 months

Price: $$-$$$


How it works

When it comes to laser treatments for lip lines and texture, you will likely need a short series of treatments with Ultherapy, CO2 laser resurfacing, or Thermi Smooth. You may need a light layer of numbing, but for the most part, these procedures are only minimally uncomfortable.

For injectable toxins or injectable fillers, the area is numbed with either a numbing cream or topical application of ice. Toxins are a few quick injections immediately above or below the lip. Fillers are typically injected with a cannula from the corners of the mouth, usually from 4-5 injection points. You will see an immediate result following filler and some swelling will immediately follow

What does the recovery entail?

After treatment with an injectable toxin, there is nothing for you to do, you will see the results in a few days with maximum effect in 7- 10 days from treatment.  

Following injectable fillers, you will have some degree of swelling for 14 days. The peak amount of swelling will occur within 1-3 days, then gradually decline. You may enjoy the appearance with the initial swelling, and if so, you may find that you want even more filler once the swelling has gone down.  

After treatment with Thermi, there is no downtime, and you’ll resume normal activities immediately. After Ultherapy or CO2 laser treatment, there may be some redness and swelling after the procedure for a few days, depending on how aggressive the individual treatment.

What type of follow up or maintenance is needed?

Once you’ve achieved your desired look, you may need additional treatment every 3 – 12 months depending on your age and how much correction was required to achieve results. Fillers require more treatment in 9-12 months, toxins usually require treatment every 3 months, and lasers like Thermi, Ultherapy, and CO2 resurfacing every 1-2 years.




Laser skin resurfacing

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

Thermi Smooth Face

Thermi Smooth

Dermal fillers

Dermal Fillers

Schedule an Appointment

With offices conveniently located in Atlanta and Alpharetta, Steele Dermatology offers several expert treatments to enhance the look of your lips. To learn which treatment may be right for you, schedule an appointment, or give us a call at (770) 464-6000.

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Our former Buckhead office on Pharr Rd. has relocated to a stunning new facility at:
2716 Piedmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30305
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Our former Buckhead office on Pharr Rd. has relocated to a stunning new facility at:
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Our former Buckhead office on Pharr Rd. has relocated to a stunning new facility at:
2716 Piedmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30305
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New Location Alert
Our former Buckhead office on Pharr Rd. has relocated to a stunning new facility at:
2716 Piedmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30305
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