Precision Liposuction

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Precision Liposuction

About precision liposuction

In precision liposuction, fat is suctioned from focused areas on the body like the abdomen/belly, bra fat, flanks, back, or inner and outer thighs.  The anesthesia (tumescent anesthesia) is in a fluid that is infused into the areas to be treated, which makes the procedure the safest and most comfortable form of liposuction.    

At Steele Dermatology, we have some of the most experienced and skilled Precision Liposuction consultants who will create a custom treatment plan for you at your free consultation. Schedule an appointment with Steele Dermatology online or give us a call at (770) 464-6000.

Perfect For: Excess fat on the abdomen, back, arms, thighs, male breasts, chin

Procedure Time: 2 hours +

Recovery Type & Time: Limited activity x 1-2 days; Compression garment worn x 2 weeks

How Long Results Last: Forever

Price: $$$$


How it works

Your precision liposuction performed in the Steele Dermatology office, in a special procedure room. One of our liposuction nurses will greet you, prep you, give you medicines to relax you.  

Dr. Johnson will then mark the areas to treat and make small incisions/holes through which the numbing solution will be infused. The areas will be slowly filled with a numbing solution, and then we’ll allow a few minutes for the areas to become completely numb. Once you are numb, the suction begins! Most patients are comfortable enough to doze off during the procedure and awake close to the very end when all the fat has been removed.  

At the conclusion of the procedure, the nurses will help you into your compression garment, Dr. Johnson will talk to your loved one who picks you up to let you both know what to expect, you’ll be given your post-operative instructions, and go home to rest.

What does the recovery entail?

For the first 1-2 days, you’ll have some drainage of anesthetic fluid from your liposuction holes and feel a little sore, so your activity may be a little limited, but you should be up and walking around the house/neighborhood. Usually, within 2-3 days people return to work and normal activities – even exercise that feels comfortable. You will continue to wear your compression garment for 2 weeks or more after the procedure. This is simply an undergarment, so no one will know that you have it on under your clothes.  

The benefits of precision liposuction and tumescent anesthesia (vs. general anesthesia) is the rapid speed of recovery and unparalleled safety of the procedure. 

What type of follow up or maintenance is needed?

Really, you don’t have to do anything special, the fat cells that were treated will be gone…permanently. So, as long as you eat and exercise at least in the same way that you did prior to treatment then you’ll maintain your results. Often, the results of the treatment motivate you to keep the momentum going and to lose even more weight or get even more toned with diet and exercise. 




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Thermi Skin Tightening


Schedule an Appointment

With offices conveniently located in Atlanta and Alpharetta, Steele Dermatology offers Precision Liposuction, the safest and most comfortable form of liposuction to suction fat from focused areas of the body. To learn more, schedule an appointment or give us a call at (770) 464-6000.

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Our former Buckhead office on Pharr Rd. has relocated to a stunning new facility at:
2716 Piedmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30305
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Our former Buckhead office on Pharr Rd. has relocated to a stunning new facility at:
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Our former Buckhead office on Pharr Rd. has relocated to a stunning new facility at:
2716 Piedmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30305
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New Location Alert
Our former Buckhead office on Pharr Rd. has relocated to a stunning new facility at:
2716 Piedmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30305
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