Qwo Cellulite Treatment

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About Qwo Cellulite Treatment

Important info about the treatment (What is it)?

Qwo is the first injectable for the treatment of cellulite.  It is an enzyme that dissolves the fibrous septae (bands) that lie in between the fat lobules of the buttocks and make dimpling.  When the enzyme is injected into the dimples, the cellulite is destroyed and the skin on the buttocks becomes smoother and the dimples disappear.

What’s the Treatment Like?

First, we make sure that you are a good candidate for Qwo and most people are!  Big, small or medium–cellulite affects most people to some degree.  We identify the cellulite dimples with a marker and circle them.  We take pictures so that we can see where you started and monitor your improvement after treatment.

Dr. Johnson’s nurse will get you lying down on your stomach and the procedure will begin.  She will draw up the Qwo into a few syringes and inject it into the cellulite dimples with a very small gauge needle.   Most patients don’t feel very much of the Qwo injections at all.  After the procedure you have to remain lying down for 5 minutes then you’re finished.  You may feel some burning or tingling, which is very normal.

What does the recovery entail? 

Your activities aren’t limited at all after treatment with Qwo, so you can exercise, work, etc. as usual.  You will have some visible bruising, which is usually significant and totally normal.  Along with the bruising you may have some soreness for a few days, but this is variable.  You may likely start to see improvement in your skin texture on your buttocks even in the first several days despite the bruising.

What type of follow up or maintenance is needed?

You will need 3 treatment sessions of Qwo 3 weeks apart.  Each treatment session is similar in experience.  Treatment sessions 2 and 3 allow re-treatment of severe cellulite dimples and treatment of additional cellulite dimples that may not have been treated in the original Qwo treatment session so that you get maximum smoothing of the skin.

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Other similar or alternative treatments? 



Schedule An Appointment

With offices conveniently located in Atlanta and Alpharetta, Steele Dermatology now offers Qwo Cellulite Treatment. To learn more, schedule an appointment or give us a call at (770) 464-6000.

Perfect For: Cellulite on Buttocks

Procedure Time: 30 min

Recovery Type & Time: Bruising x 1 week

Results Last: 2 Years+

Price: $$$-$$$$


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